Privacy Policy

Pursuant to Organic Law 15/99, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD in Spanish) and Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Ecommerce (LSSI-CE in Spanish), INTERDERMA S.L. hereby informs its customers that the personal information they provide will be included in an automated personal data file entitled CLIENTS, created and maintained under the responsibility of INTERDERMA, S.L.

The purpose of said file is the maintenance of the administrative management of clients.

INTERDERMA, S.L. guarantees the security and confidentiality of the information provided. To this end, the company is committed to its obligation of keeping personal data secret, and its duty to safeguard and take all necessary measures to prevent the alteration, loss and unauthorized handling and use thereof. The company will not share the personal information of clients with third parties, except under such circumstances, and in accordance with the purposes for which said information was obtained, when it is necessary to share it with parties acting on behalf or in representation of or in relation to the services provided by INTERDERMA, S.L.

Clients of INTERDERMA, S.L. may exercise their right to access, rectify, cancel or oppose their personal information at any time by contacting the entity responsible for the file, INTERDERMA S.L., in writing at the following email address:

Having understood and agreed to the terms described above, I HEREBY EXPRESSLY CONSENT AND AUTHORIZE INTERDERMA, S.L. to handle the personal information that I voluntarily provide in the attached documents, limiting said authorization to purposes directly related to the legitimate role of the grantee within the scope of the institution, its departments, collaborating entities and third-party institutions, as well as ceding said information to the appropriate official public and private organisms as necessary for the grantee to effectively carry out its responsibilities and achieve its objectives.

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